Welcome to Hamilton Township
The first step to knowing if Hamilton Township real estate is the right fit for you, is to learn about the community.
Known for it’s tourism industry, offering various leisure activities such as fishing, boating, hiking, hunting, golfing, snowmobiling, and off road vehicle riding Hamilton Township surrounds the Town of Cobourg on the north, west and east.
There are various types of waterfront opportunities with waterfront on Rice Lake to the north and waterfront on Lake Ontario to the south. Year round living, weekend homes, cottages and waterside resorts attract people looking for their primary and secondary residence as well as visitors.
You can choose to live rurally or in one of our historical villages throughout the township.
Find additional and detailed information by clicking this handy link to the Township of Hamilton website.
The Hamilton Township real estate resulted in 105 single family residential sales in 2023 with an average selling price of $843,275. Check out the Hamilton Township real estate stats below for more specific and interesting sales statistics which include the most recent three year trends.
If you’re looking for a Real Estate Agent to connect with, specializing in listing, selling and working with both sellers and buyers for residential and luxury properties in the Township of Hamilton, you can read more About me on this page and you can Contact me through the webform, email [email protected] or call/text my personal cell 289-251-2947.

Hamilton Township Real Estate Stats
Below is a summary of the past six months and previous three year’s (2021, 2022, 2023) real estate stats for Hamilton Township. These stats have been calculated using the local Real Estate Board’s MLS system and consists of residential sales (including condos) that have one kitchen (single family homes), one plus bedroom(s) and one plus full bathroom(s).

2024 - 68 single family residential sales, averaging $806,208.
2024 - 19 residential high-end/luxury sales, averaging $1,255,684.
2024 - highest sale price for a single family home - $1,560,000.
2023 - 105 single family residential sales, averaging $843,275.
2022 - 137 single family residential sales, averaging $851,541.
2021 - 163 single family residential sales, averaging $841,823.
2023 - 28 residential high-end/luxury sales, averaging $1,376,107.
2022 - 40 residential high-end/luxury sales, averaging $1,372,438.
2021 - 43 residential high-end/luxury sales, averaging $1,328,889.
2023 - highest sale price for a single family home - $3,300,000.
2022 - highest sale price for a single family home - $2,200,000.
2021 - highest sale price for a single family home - $1,328,889.
Hamilton Township Community Resources
A few interesting links for Hamilton Township
Township of Hamilton Office
8285 Majestic Hills Drive, (905) 342-2810
Northumberland County
555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON (905) 372-3329
Baltimore Recreation Centre
An ice surface, indoor turf sports field, banquet hall/kitchen, four ball diamonds, pickle ball and volleyball. 23 Community Centre Rd., Baltimore ON (905) 372-5662
Bewdley Community Centre
An ice surface, banquet hall/kitchen, community library, outdoor multi-purpose court and ball diamond. 7060 Lake Street, Bewdley, ON (905) 797-2535
Dalewood Golf Club
Par 71, 18 hole semi-private championship golf course and banquet hall. 7465 Dale Road, (905) 885-8144
Ash Brook Golf Club
18 hole, par 72 golf course and banquet hall. 7215 Dale Road, (905) 885-8546
Hamilton Township Real Estate FAQs
- The first place to think about is Yorkie’s BBQ and Catering located at the corner of 20 Carleton Boulevard and County Road 45 (Baltimore Road). There are picnic tables available in the good weather but they primarily do take-out. Simply the best BBQ chicken and ribs in the county.
- If you’re looking for fresh pies, tarts and baked goods, it’s hard to choose what deliciousness you’ll bring home from Betty’s Pies & Tarts. Located at 7380 County Road 2, just west of Cobourg.
There are three great courses to golf in Hamilton Township:
- Ash Brook Golf Club is an 18 hole par 72 course and banquet hall. Located at 7215 Dale Road – (905) 885-8546
- Dalewood Golf Club is an 18 hole par 71 championship course and banquet hall. Located at 7465 Dale Road – (905) 885-8144
- Northumberland Valley Golf Club is a 9 hole golf course. Located at 4423 Highway 45, just a few kilometres north of the 401 – (289) 252-0801
Calculating from the central village of Camborne, it is approximately a 30 minute drive to Peterborough, 1 hour drive to Toronto, 1 hour and 20 minute drive to Kingston and a 3 hour drive to Ottawa.